
Friday, January 3, 2014

Second day in Berlin (day 6)

Today was amazing, but we only did one thing. It was an important thing though. We woke up at 9am got all packed up and took our bags downstairs.  Today we got a tour of the concentration camp right outside of Berlin. It was a great tour. Neither me nor Kody had ever been a place like this before. But, our tour guide made it a great experience for us. He made itsoinformative and shoed how important it is for us to visit these places to help remind everyone around the world what could happen. It was a lot to take in, but it was a lott hat me and Kody never realized we didn't know. The tour took 5 hours and we were walking, it was outside, and it was 25 degrees. But totally worth it! I would have a lot Erie to say about this, but I wouldn't want to bore you with a history lesson. 

After our tour it was dark by the time we got back to Berlin. We knew we had a 10 hour train ride that night so we went to subway got a foot long to eat half now and the other half later on the train. After we sat and ate at subway to. Kill time we decided to make our way to the train station. And I have gotto. Say third times a charm. We were there super early, yes, but that was cause we had nothing else to do not because we were nervous. We sat in a booth in the eating area of the train station odor 3 hours (boring sounding I know) but we played spped, go fish, farkel battle and a card game Kody made up the night before  on the train. Time went by pretty quickly so that was awesome! When our train finally arrived we had this routine down. Walked in got our bags under the bed (because of course we were the bottome bunks again) laid our purse/backpack behind our heads and got our pillow and blanket out and were ready to go to bed. The lady came by to check our tickets and then asked for our visas...I handed her my passport and she said "I am not police, I need your visa..." Me and Kody freaked we don't have visas...then she clarified she needed the VISA I paid with the verify it was us. That was a close one. But we had two other couples in our room with us so no creepy men. Everyone got settled and lights out within the first 20 minutes. W were super greatful and actually slept through the whole night and woke up at 6:30 to get off the training n Munich at 7am just for the day!!! (Our day in Munich will be posted shortly!)

Jo and Ko 

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